01386 833616
Based on the hugely successful British television series that ran for seven seasons, this uproarious comedy relates the adventures of hapless cafe owner, René, in occupied France. You can see all of your favourite characters, including René's tone-deaf wife Edith, Major-General von Klinkerhoffen and Gestapo officer Herr Flick! This will be a BAD (Bretforton Amateur Dramatics) production.
After a year off, for reasons we all know about, Bretforton Show is returning to the magnificent grounds of Bretforton Manor in 2021.
The centrepiece will once again be a produce competition, covering not only flowers, vegetables and fruit, but also floral art, wine, poultry, cookery, art and photography along with opportunities for children and young people to compete.
There will be lots of additional activities including a range of refreshments, stalls and exhibitors.
An event not to be missed, with proceeds going to local charities and organisations.
*sorry, no dogs other than guide dogs allowed