01386 833616

About the Shop management team

Management committee

Bretforton Community Shop is owned by its members. They elect a committee each year to oversee Shop management.
Running the Shop

Bretforton Community Shop's Management Committee


Bretforton Community Shop is owned by its members. Membership is open to anyone willing to buy shares in the Company, and every member has one vote at the Annual Members' Meeting, irrespective of how many shares they own.

At the Annual Members' Meeting, members elect a committee to oversee Shop management in the year ahead.

Management Committee

The Shop is administered on a day-to-day basis by the management committee, who are themselves unpaid volunteers. Current members of the committee include:

  • Chris Buckham - Chairman

  • John Cleveland - Vice Chair

  • Heather London - Treasurer

  • Lynette Williams - Secretary

  • Vacancy - Shop Operations

  • Mike Cook - Staff Management & HR

  • Vacancy - Community Engagement

  • Kate Simpson - Marketing

  • Lisa Mabbutt & Sarah Langston  - Shop Managers

Committee meetings

The Management Committee meets once every month. The Committee must meet at least four times each year, and is accountable to the members at all times.

Minutes of committee meetings are available to volunteers and members.

An Annual Members' Meeting is held within six months of the close of the financial year. The business of which includes the receipt of the accounts and balance sheet, and the election of committee members.

New committee members

New committee members are always welcome, either to be officially elected to the committee at the appropriate time, or to be co-opted onto the committee when their skills are required. Should you be interested in joining the committee, please email us.